In the Sacred Geometry Collection, I use sacred geometry shapes that symbolize creation and remind us of the unity of all existence. The pieces are meant to serve as a constant reminder of our connection to each other and all that is. Now more than ever, we have to remember that we are all connected at an energetic level.  What we do to other beings or the planet we ultimately do to ourselves. 

I understood early on that everything carries a signal and that the message of empowerment was the signal I wanted to share through my work, my words and my actions. It was a great surprise. to discover a few years back,  that I was naturally using the principles of sacred geometry in my jewelry without consciously intending to do so.  These are the principles that have been used throughout history to create sacred spaces and structures, and are found everywhere in nature. Sometimes it is called the “Golden Rule” or “Phi Ratio”.  Once you are aware of this you start to notice it everywhere.  

The humans who collect my jewelry often tell me that when they are wearing my pieces they feel empowered, strong, and as themselves. They tell me that they are often stopped on the street and asked what they are wearing and who designed it. For them these earrings, necklaces and rings become their daily-wear talismans.